Hey there, I’m Mitch!

Thanks for being curious enough to visit my about page. Usually this is where you'd find inflated, cringe-worthy, waffle. So, as a reward, I’m going to spare you the extended bio, and instead share with you a fun fact that I usually reserve for when conversation has dropped to shamefully inadequate standard.

In the Carrigan family, every male born in Australia inherits the middle name 'James,' paying homage to the first Carrigan who arrived in the country in 1831. So, with my full name being Mitchell James Carrigan, branding is literally my middle name.

Before you ask, yes, Pat Carrigan and I have the same great, great, great, great grandfather. Don’t believe me? Go ask him what his middle name is.

Carn’ the Broncs!

Curriculum vitae
DSR Branding
2022 - Present

SEO Specialist
Canstar Blue
2021 - 2023

SEO Executive
Resolution Australia
2017 - 2020

EDUCATIONShillington Education
Graphic Design

AWARD School
Ideas, Ideas, Ideas, Ideas, and more Ideas.

Queensland University of Techology
Bachelor of Business - Advertising & Marketing
2015 - 2019

Mugshot Caricatures
2016 - 2017

First XI Cricket Coach
Ormiston College
2015 - 2018

School Captain
Ormiston College
Class of 2014