Mitchell James Carrigan

Supporting Gen Z with their banking by giving them a fresh serving of savage banter.

CLIENTBank of Queensland PROBLEMGen Z is disengaged with banking. Many a still using the accounts their parents chose for them, and prefer to avoid physical branches and personal interactions with banking staff all together. The formal, professional setting of a traditional bank feels intimidating and unrelatable.INSIGHTWhile overly formal or professional communication can feel impersonal and outdated, the opposite is what truly resonates: casual, sarcastic, and witty banter. This tech-savvy audience much prefers crafting a savage text over fumbling their words on a phone call. SOLUTION BOQ’s BackChatBot—a chatbot designed specifically for Gen Z customers. It delivers financial advice and support with sharp humor, sarcastic wit, and a sufficient level of savagery. It provides useful information while building rapport with Gen Z’s by speaking their language.

By embracing banter and rejecting the stuffy tone of traditional banks, BOQ BackChatBot can stand out as the bank that ‘gets’ Gen Z, fostering stronger connections and encouraging brand loyalty in a way that no other bank has dared to before.